Catch Documentation & Traceability
Control Document is a supply chain device that used to support the implementation and obedience for the regulation on blue swimming crab fisheries in Indonesia, at once to develop the quality of exported blue swimming crab product.
Legal Framework:
- Minister Regulation No. 56 of 2016 about the Catching of Lobster (Panulirus spp.), Crab (Scylla spp.), and Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus spp.). This regulation states that the catching of blue swimming crab must be >10 cm in carapace width, and the prohibition to catching the egg berried female (as a replacement for the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 1 of 2015)
- Minister Regulation No. 71 of 2016 about the Prohibition for Using the Trawls and Seines Fishing Gear in Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia (as a replacement for the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 2 of 2016)
Support the sustainability of fisheries resources by fight against IUU and unresponsible fishing practices with promote the responsible trading
Every subjects in the supply chains, who are commit to product legality, voluntarily follow the contract agreement/buying agreement
Every subjects in the supply chain: producer – processor – supplier – retailer
Legal obligation apply to every commercial transaction, from the first until last sale
Several points in the Control Document:
Which guarantees the traded fisheries product is legal in all of it’s commercial chain
To ensure the compliance to the exist regulations
Which explains about the inspection at the main control points, started from producers to retailers, and the list of audit institution that already known and has reputation
Principles of Documentation & Traceability:
- Based on the exist practice/done at the supply chain
- Must be avle to aplicated at the all of supply chain (from the fishermens to processors)
- Able to full audited, from the raw material to the final product or vice versa
Objectives of Documentation & Traceability:
- Supervise/control at the critical points in the supply chain: Landing Site – Cooking Station, Miniplant
- Shows that supply flow is observing the obedience of the regulation: Minimum Legal Size (MLS) is 10 cm in carapace width; the prohibition of catching and processing the blue swimming crab egg berried female (EBF); the prohibition of (mini) trawl fishing gear in fisheries (TG)
Third party audit/verification:
- Based on the request from processor/packer, auditor will audit all of the supply chain. Based on the information from processor/packer, auditor will checking/auditing to miniplant which deliver blue swimming crab meat to that processor/packer.
- Next, auditor will choose one or more acceptance/cooking station qhich deliver the raw cook to that miniplant, and ensure all of documentation between two places (cooking station and miniplant) are appropriate in certain time period. Miniplant and the supply chain will be audited in accordance with the traceability process standard and documentation.
- If the audit results show the positive, so that the certificate can be updated again for 3 years period.
- If the audit results show the negative, so that the processor will be notified and given time 30 days to fix the problem which is detected in its supply chain.
- Second audit will be done, and if the results still showing the negative, APRI will be notified and will stop the purchasing from that supplier for 30 days.
- Third audit will be done, if the results still negative, so that APRI will be notified and stop the purchasing from that supplier for 90 days.
- Fourth audit will be done, and if the results still negative, APRI will be notified and stop the puschasing from that supplier for unlimited time.
Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Documentation and Traceability Director Committee was formed on May 22, 2018 through the General Directorate of Strengthening Compativeness of Marine and Fisheries Product Decree No. 74/KEP-DJPDSPKP/2018.