APRI Supports Fishing Gear Workshop for Blue Swimming Crab in Jepara
by adminapri May 3, 2017 0 commentsAPRI attended invitation from Jepara Fisheries Department on event Training of Trap Making for Blue Swimming Crab 2017. This event was held on 2-4 May 2017 in Jepara, Central Java. This event was opened by head of Jepara Fisheries Department, Adi Sasongko, S.Pi, M.Si.. Bambang Arif Nugraha (APRI Secretary) and Dr. Hawis Madduppa (APRI Excecutive Director) was attended this event. APRI Executive Director was presented about APRI Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP). In an attempt to support the regulation of government, Socialize Ministerial Decree of Fisheries and Marine Affairs No.1 and No. 2/2015, and disseminate management catching blue swimming crabs that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.
On this event APRI also gives 600 pieces trap fishing gear to Jepara fishermen through the Jepara Fisheries Department. It is expected that the results from this training could contribute to the government program to distribute more selective gears for the small-scale fishers.
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