FGD Preparation of Fishery Management Plan (RPP) 7 – 8th June 2021
by adminapri June 10, 2021 0 commentsAsosiasi Pengelolaan Rajungan Indonesia (APRI) participated in the FGD for the Preparation of the Rajungan Fishery Management Plan (RPP) with the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries (DJPT)-KKP supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The activity was held on 7 and 8 June 2021. This forum was attended by the Provincial Marine and Fisheries Service, academics, and NGOs.
The forum was opened by Dr. Besweni from DJPT-KKP who conveyed the urgency of sustainable crab fish management in WPPNRI so that there was a need for discussion and review of the RPP Rajungan. “The availability of data is very important in the preparation of this RPP, especially the latest data as a basis for determining the status and estimation of crab resource potential in Indonesia. Socio-economic aspects related to governance, fisheries activity institutions also need to be studied in terms of policy implementation,” he said in Bogor, West Java, Monday.
Dr. Hawis Madduppa as a marine fishery expert and expert at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) said “Implementation of regulations related to crab fisheries in Indonesia needs to be considered and carried out by all relevant parties”. He who is also the Executive Director of APRI stated that APRI is always ready to assist in the preparation of this RPP for crab fisheries for sustainable management of crab fisheries.
Recent issues related to the management of crab fisheries in various regions were presented by the Provincial Marine and Fisheries Service. Mr. Jadmika as a representative of the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of East Java Province said “There are several issues related to crab fisheries in East Java Province, including the degradation of crab stocks in nature due to the destruction of crab habitat, there are still many crabs laying eggs, many catches are not recorded, still many active and destructive harpoon fishing gear. He also added, “DKP East Java a few days ago met with APRI and planned several future activities for better and sustainable management of crab fisheries, especially the issuance of the East Java Governor’s Decree on the crab management commission. Besides East Java, there were also DKP Lampung, West Java, and Southeast Sulawesi who also conveyed issues and input related to the management of crab fisheries in their respective regions.
“So far, APRI has been trying to carry out FIP co-management programs, such as GTK5! (catch back before 5 minutes), educate fishermen not to catch small crabs with carapace width <10 cm. Posters have also been pasted at APRI data collection locations.” said Ayu Ervinia, APRI staff who was also present at the forum. “In addition, there is also a crab apartment program as a shelter for crabs to lay eggs and assistance in establishing a protected area for crabs,” he added.
On the second day, the preparation of the draft RPP for the crab begins with the consolidation of data and information on the crab fishery related to the crab resource aspect, the environmental aspect, the socio-economic aspect, and the management of the crab resource. The data used are sourced from Komnaskajiskan, Pusdatin, PIPP, research results from universities, provincial DKP, and supporting partners including APRI. APRI’s commitment in supporting the sustainable management of Indonesian crab fisheries includes continuous and continuous data collection of crabs since 2014 covering WPP571, WPP712, WPP713, and WPP714.
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