Focus Group Discussion: Mapping Miniplant of Blue Swimming Crab, October 15, 2018
by adminapri October 17, 2018 0 commentsIndonesian Blue Swimming Crab Association/Asosiasi Pengelolaan Rajungan Indonesia (APRI) collaboration with BKIPM Bangka Belitung Province, Bappenas, and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) organize the Focus Group Discussion: Mapping Miniplant of blue Swimming Crab on October 15, 2018 which was taked place in Hotel Santika, Bangka. This program attended by 40 participants such as Fisheries and Marine General Director of Bappenas, Head of BKIPM Bangka Belitung Province, General Secretary of APRI, Executive Director of APRI, Manager of blue swimming crab industry in Bangka Belitung Province, and miniplants from Bangka Belitung.
The objectives of this program are:
- Verificating the miniplant data which was collected and mapping the problems in the field and found the solutions.
- Mapping the fisherman’s network, collectors, and miniplants which are supply the every processor/UPI.
- Build the understanding and awareness about the applicable regulation in blue swimming crab fisheries sector.
- Socializing and give an understanding about the control document and traceability system.
With this program, we expected can register the miniplants, suppliers, and fishermans in Bangka Belitung area, giving the understanding to the blue swimming crab stakeholders appropriate with the Indonesia government regulation and market, and the collectors and miniplants can understand the implementation of control document. This program contain the presentation and discussion which were divided into 2 sessions. In the first session, there were presentation about Support of Global Marine Commodities (GMC) to Sustainable Fisheries presented by Fisheries and Marine Director of Bappenas, continued by the presentation about the Understanding and Enforcement for the Violation of KepMen No. 56/2016 which was presented by General Secretary of APRI. In the second session, there were the presentation about the Production Standard Appropriate to Fisheries Product Quality Assurance which was presented by BKIPM Bangka Belitung Province and the presentation about the Develop of Blue Swimming Crab Product Traceability Obedience Through the Implementation of Control Document which was presented by Executive Director of APRI. In this time, there was a control document and traceability training using APRI Apps.
The conclusion that can be taken from this program is the participants were know about the regulations that applicated in blue swimming crab fisheries, nevertheless the enforcement to the regulations is still need to developed. There are still many miniplants in Bangka Belitung area that not yet CPIB, SKP, and HACCP certified, and the miniplants are still need the accompaniment from the related government. The study and research about the blue swimming crab stock in Bangka Belitung very need to be done to collecting the certain data about the cause of the “red” in Bangka Belitung water. For the next time, BKIPM Bangka Belitung Province ready to visit the blue swimming crab center in Bangka Belitung area to accompany and give the briefing about the miniplant certification.
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