Initiative Meeting Action Plan for BSC Management in Lampung
by adminapri February 26, 2017 0 commentsIn the framework of the action plan management, APRI and Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (KKP) held a meeting on February 14, 2017 in Bogor, West Java. This event was attended by Dr. Hawis Madduppa as APRI’s Executive Director and Bambang Arif Nugraha as APRI’s Secretary. APRI has conducted collaborative research with some of the parties to produce the initial information that would be beneficial to BSC management policy in East Lampung.
APRI, Wilderness Market, a sisters company of Blue Star Nusantara in Lampung (. PT Siger Jaya Abadi) and SFP, has embarked on collaborative research in 2016 to collect information related to the collection of biological data, the collection of catch data, identification of fishing grounds, the location area of nursery ( nursery ground) using satellites (GPS) and mobile phone-based information, traceability and evaluation program information exchange fishing gear (from gill nets into traps).
The expected outcome of this activity is the information about the catch per unit effort, the identification BSC spawning Location and fishing locations in East Lampung based on information from the data based on satellite and mobile phones, the basic database of collection fishery. And also Government support for Fisheries traceability program for the US market
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