Sustainable BSC Management Efforts to Ensure Raw Material Availability and Increased Income of East Java Fishermen
by adminapri April 12, 2018 0 commentsIn the framework of Management and Utilization of Fish Resources in WPP NRI 712 East Java Province then the Marine and Fisheries Agency of East Java Province held a Meeting in the context of Management and Utilization of Fish Resources in WPP-712 East Java Province. The event held on 2-3 April 2018 in Surabaya, East Java. In this meeting APRI also invited to become one of the speakers to present about APRI’s Role in Sustainable Management of BSC Fisheries. All Board of APRI attended this meeting include Kuncoro Catur Nugroho (Chairman), Bambang Arif Nugraha (Secretary), Wita Setioko (Treasurer) and Dr. Hawis Madduppa (Executive Director).
The pusposes of this event to seek Sustainable BSC Management Efforts to Ensure Raw Material Availability and Increased Income of East Java Fishermen. Starting from the Concept of BSC Fishing Management Globally and its relevance for East Java, Policy of Quality Assurance System and Security of Sustainable BSC Fishery Product, Habitat Improvement and Continuous Supervision of BSC Fisheries Management, BSC Raw Material Availability Support To Ensure Sustainable Business and also Reviewing of Governor’s Decree on the Formation of Fishery Resource Management Team of BSC Fishery Resources in East Java Province. there were also group discussions to discuss issues and action plans in BSC fishery management in East Java.
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