Tag "Underwater Restocking"

Smithsonian Environmental Research Centre (SERC) visitation in APRI Hatchery Station

18-21 August 2023, Mr. Henry and Mr. Robert from the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) has joined from Makassar to Situbondo East Java to see our hatchery for sustainable blue swimming crabs. In This Activity Mr. Henry and Mr. Robert

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APRI Underwater Restocking and Rising Indonesia Flag in Underwater

6-21 August 2023. APRI has carried out underwater restocking activities and raised Indonesia flag in the context of Indonesian independence day. This activities called “Underwater Restocking” held in Situbondo, East Java collaborated with Prof. Dr. Ir Yushinta Fujaya, M.Si from

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Visit Restocking Site with Mr. Oded Zmora and Prof. Yushinta Fujaya in Situbondo, East Java

Sunday, August 6 2023. Second day of activities in Q2 APRI. The presence of Prof. Dr. Ir. Yushinta Fujaya, M.Si and Dr. Oded Zmora in Q2 APRI provided a very interesting topic for crab fisheries in the future regarding increasing

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