APRI Enumerator and CO-Management Refreshment Activities

APRI Enumerator and CO-Management Refreshment Activities

by December 15, 2021 0 comments

Semarang, 12-14 November 2021. The opening ceremony was conducted by the Executive Director of APRI Dr. Hawis Maddupa as a “refreshment” activity for APRI enumerators as well as for upgrading the capacity of APRI enumerators in collecting crab data.

Mr. Syahril Abd Raup, S.T, M.Si as a representative from PSDI – KKP explained the KKP E-Logbook for catches to APRI enumerators which would later be integrated with APRI landing report data. In the Ministerial Decree No. 17 of 2021, 3 important commodities are regulated, namely crabs, crabs, and lobsters. The calculation of the crab quota can be arranged based on the number of fishermen who are members of the KUB and APRI can bridge this matter. There are 2 fishing log book systems that are carried out, namely: 1. Daily reports, written by the captain regarding fishing activities, 2. The log book is a landing declaration from the skipper. The data taken include: main catch, bycatch, coordinates of fishing area, types of fishing gear, discarded catch, ecological related species, and Hook Rate & CPUE data.
At fishing ports, this log book data becomes a requirement for unloading and sailing permits. The challenge for the crabs is that many crabs land outside the port. Perdirjen PT Number 11/PER-DJPT/2018 concerning technical instructions for implementing the e-Logbook fishing log book.

From Ministerial Decree No. 33 of 2021, several logbook developments have been carried out, including:
1. Fishing vessels >5GT must have an e-logbook
2. Fishing vessels <5GT can use manual logbook 3.developed simplified logbook 4. The logbook is a requirement for unloading the ship 5. Fishermen only need to select the number of fishing positions The advantages of using an e-logbook compared to a manual logbook: manual logbooks consume a lot of paper, fisherman/business actors compliance is still low, the data submitted has not been presented accurately and objectively, is simpler than ordinary logbooks, writing errors can be well minimized, data is recorded automatically / integrated, can be used in offline mode (without internet connection because it uses GPS). Only 62 fishing port locations have implemented e-logbooks. Furthermore, the presentation of stock studies in the WPPNRI area by Prof. Indra Jaya as Chairman of KOMNASKAJISKAN. In the current study of crab stocks, fisheries management in Indonesia is based on area management (WPP). In the assessment and estimation of SDI there is a process of collecting data on catches including size, sex, fishing gear, bycatch and number with the help of enumerators. The data that is still lacking at this time is data related to the location of the DPI. The analytical methods used are: Two models of biomass dynamics: equilibrium and deterministic non-equilibrium BMSY, EMSY, R2 and r values ​​are compared and selected to determine the value that best meets the potential stock estimate. In addition to stock assessment, the Harvest Control Rule (HCR) is currently being formulated. Notes for Enumerators -Continuing the collection of biological data, fisheries data relevant to the assessment of crab stocks, as well as increasing the accuracy and coverage of data collection. - Helping the process of digital transformation of crab fishery data collection - Monitoring the implementation of the results of the assessment of crab stocks and fisheries management in the field Dr. Ir. Zairion, M.Sc participated in providing knowledge related to the bioecological characteristics of crabs to refresh the APRI enumerator training. At the end of Day one, closed with the presentation of Dr. Ayu Ervinia as APRI data analyst regarding the analysis of crab life history data parameters at FMA (WPPNRI). Day Two of APRI Refreshment Enumerator and Co-Management Activities.The activity continued with the presentation of the importance of data collection and management of bycatch data (NTS/Non Target Species) by Dr. Hawis Madduppa. One of the skills that must be possessed by enumerators and co-management is about communication, therefore the need for a communication strategy described by Mr. Bambang Arif Nugraha. Furthermore, the presentation from APRI staff started with explanations related to the community development program, validation of data collection, and taking photos and videos for activities in the field. The closing activity was training on the measurement of the biological characteristics of crabs (carapace width, sex, and Gonad Maturity Level) and continued with "fun and games" by APRI enumerators.

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