APRI participated in measurement small vessel activities by Marine and Fisheries of East Java Bureau and KSOP

APRI participated in measurement small vessel activities by Marine and Fisheries of East Java Bureau and KSOP

by July 12, 2023 2 comments

Friday, June 23rd 2023. Approximately 290 fishing boats in Lekok Sub-District, Pasuruan Regency which were registered at the opening of the Joint Kesyahbandaran and Port Authority (KSOP) outlets in Pasuruan and have now carried out vessel measurements to meet the requirements for the issuance of Small PAS for fishermen.

This activity to accelerate the licensing of fishing vessels is a step by the regional and provincial governments in providing protection for their fishermen as well as efforts to manage sustainable capture fisheries that balance the economy and ecology.

All parties, starting from the East Java DKP, the Pasuruan Fisheries Service and the KSOP, to provide convenience in obtaining permits, the Provincial and District Offices have also facilitated good fishermen through approaches to fishermen. Later the issuance of this permit document will only be given to fishermen who use fishing gear allowed by the government as a form of the Pasuruan Fisheries Service’s commitment to maintaining fishery potential in Pasuruan Regency.

2 Comments so far

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  1. Achtolar
    #1 Achtolar 12 September, 2023, 02:32

    Checking up on these fishing vessels is an important job, keep it up!

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    • adminapri
      adminapri Author 30 September, 2023, 13:12

      thanks, APRI and government in Indonesia always support for blue swimming crab sustainable and traceable

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