Blue Swimming Crab partial harvest by KUB Samudra Jaya Empat dan Lima
by adminapri December 15, 2021 0 commentsBalai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau (BBPBAP) Jepara has programmed crab cultivation with a community empowerment system. Namely, the community participates in the process of seeding to development. So that the crab stock in nature does not run out, it needs cultivation. There are two systems programmed massively by BBPBAP Jepara. Namely with a cultivation system in the mangrove area or the coast and cultivation with a community empowerment system.
The people who are invited are crab catching fishermen. They are also invited to cultivate crabs in idol ponds. The pond is filled from the results of the hatchery at BBPBAP Jepara. KUB Samudra Jaya Empat & Lima from Ds Gedongmulyo Rembang carried out a partial harvest in the pilot pond for crab cultivation. Seed assistance from BBPBAP Jepara has been partially harvested by fishermen with an average carapace width of 8 cm.
This activity is support by BBPBAP Jepara and DKP Rembang to make this cultivation happen, Zulfikar as co-management of APRI also said that this technique of raising small crabs by fishermen was very useful. Partial harvesting is done because the stress level of the crabs has increased so it has to be harvested, so far the partial harvest has been done twice for approximately 4 months.
The next step will be related to the final harvest and waiting for the harvest. The village of Gedongmulyo, Lasem, Rembang has become a pilot pond for crab cultivation from fishermen. The assistance of BBPBAP Jepara seeds as well as technical guidance and assistance from DKP Rembang and Central Java really helped this activity to be carried out
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