Risk Based Framework Training by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
11-17 May 2023. APRI participated in the Risk Based Framework training activities conducted by the Marine Stewardship Council. This training was attended by several stakeholders. APRI had the opportunity to take part in this activity. This training activity took place
Read MoreVessel Measurement Activities as Small PAS Documents for Fishermen of Pagagan – Pamekasan
Tuesday, May 9, 2023. Lailatul Qomariyah as APRI CO-Management in Pamekasan was also present to accompany the activities of measuring blue swimming crab fishing vessels in Pagagan Village which was directly led by the Syahbandar Leader and his staff. In
Read MoreAPRI Enumerator & CO Management Training 2023
14 April 2023 and 18 April 2023 APRI is holding enumerator training and Co-Management Training in 2023 with a different nuance. Last Ramadan was one of the refreshment moments in the training that APRI enumerators and co-management received. While waiting
Read MoreAPRI – PANRITA Meeting Regarding TREKFISH
Activities carried out in Bogor, through Research and Executive Director Dr. Ayu Ervinia with APRI Staff Wijdan T. coordinated with Prof. Indra Jaya regarding the results of the Trekfish report and monitoring of the position of the Trekfish tools located
Read MoreAPRI attends methods evaluation and risk assessment (MERA) technical guidance by MSC
Through Dr. Ayu Ervinia as Research and Executive and Director to attend technical guidance on methods evaluation and risk assessment (MERA) organized by MSC Indonesia at the Aryaduta hotel Jakarta, 14-17 March 2023
Read More[Virtual Meeting] APRI with FIP Implementers in ASEAN and NFI Crab Council
Not only in Indonesia, but sustainable fisheries management is also carried out in various other countries. Wednesday, March 8, 2023. An online meeting was held with FIP implementers from various countries such as Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam as well
Read MoreRembang : Floating Crab Apartment building by Fisherman and CO-Management APRI
This activity was held on Friday, January 23, 2023 with APRI Co-Management, APRI Enumerators, local Fisheries Extension, and APRI assisted Fishermen APRI through APRI Co-Management and Enumerator, Kamal M. Together with local fishermen and fisheries extension officers laid out floating
APRI was also present at the 2022 National Fish Festival called FINA which was held by the FPIK IPB Alumni Association as an activity to welcome National Fish Day. This activity has various agendas such as the Fishery Bazaar, Crab
Read MoreTechnical Discussion APRI, Politeknik KP Sidoarjo, and BBPBAP Jepara about Blue Swimming Crab
Tuesday, October 4, 2022. APRI accompanied by representatives of the Sidoarjo KP Polytechnic visited BBPBAP Jepara regarding technical discussions for the Indonesian crab fishery improvement program This activity was well received by Mr. Eddy Nurcahyono, S.Pi and Mr. Agus Setiadi,
Read MoreTeam Visit APRI to the location of the Sidoarjo Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic field practice in Lamongan.
Thursday, September 22, 2022 APRI visited one of the hatchery practice sites in the Lamongan location, this activity was a form of continuation of the cooperation program plan in realizing innovations related to stock enhancement for sustainable crab fisheries. Saturday,
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