Vessel Tracking System (VTS) Installations in Rembang and Pamekasan, August 20-21, 2019
by adminapri August 23, 2019 0 commentsAPRI always try to develop the management of blue swimming crab fisheries in Indonesia. Since the established of APRI, APRI started the Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP) which is continue to run until now. Through the FIP, APRI has been develop various program in order to realize the sustainability of blue swimming crab fisheries. The FIP run in every supply chain, from downstream to upstream. Without ignoring the role of other supply chains, APRI realize that in the blue swimming crab industry the lowest supply chain play a big role in the sustainability of the resources. Various program have been carried out in this supply chain, including the data collection. Data collection is important in the blue swimming crab fisheries, it can be the basis to determining management steps.
The data collection that APRI does continously develops, one of the development is by implementing the Vessel Tracking System (VTS) “TREKFish”. Through the TREKFish, the movement of fishermen boats and the area of blue swimming crab catch can be recorded so we can see it. This data then can be synergized by control documents and data from enumerators in the landing station. This can be a good basis in the management of blue swimming crab, especially in the lowest supply chain. APRI has been installed the VTS for the fishermens boat in various area in Indonesia. In August 20, 2019, APRI installed the VTS in the fishermens boat in Gedong Mulyo, Layur, and Lasem Village, Rembang City. And the next day August 21, 2019, the installations of VTS done in the area of MP Jumiang Indah, Pamekasan.
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