APRI (Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Association) has held Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP) since 2009. FIP requires extensive research assistance and knowledge for the needs of appropriate management steps. APRI invites universities to be invited to support this activity.
To support this activity APRI through APRI Youth provides opportunities for students throughout Indonesia to be able to propose research ideas related to crab fisheries in Indonesia. The 10 best research ideas will get grants.
Terms and Conditions :
- Form a Team (Max 5 people) with 1 supervisor
- Registered as a S1 student
- Research ideas about the sustainability of Blue Swimming Crabs in Indonesia are related:
- Sustainable Blue Swimming Crab Stock
- Minimizing Environmental Impact
- Habitat Assessment
- Effective Management
- Blue Swimming Crab Aquaculture
- Utilization of Blue Swimming Crab Carapace Waste
- Proposal Format bit.ly/templateproposalyouth
- Registration http://bit.ly/PendaftaranAPRIYouthInnovation2019
Research Location
Indonesian Fisheries Management Area 571, 572, 573, 712, 713, 714, 715, 717
Deadline 20 Febuari 2019
Contact Person :
Toufan : 081267145710
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