Trial Program for 4.5 inch gill net fishing gear in Candi-Pamekasan
by adminapri May 9, 2022 0 commentsBlue Swimming Crab is one of Indonesia’s leading export commodities whose productivity is still through the catch, in an effort to preserve it, the Indonesian government has implemented regulations for catching crabs in Permen KP No. 17 of 2021 “must be caught using fish catching tools that are passive and environmentally friendly in accordance with the provisions of the legislation”
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries through the Directorate General of Fisheries Captures fishing gear in the form of traps and gill nets, which are passive fishing gear. Around 90,000 crab fishermen are included in the category of small fishermen with traps and gill nets. The use of gill nets with a mesh size of 4.5 inches has goals such as increasing the selectivity of fishing gear so that the caught are the target crab species according to regulations, namely large crabs, reducing the ecological and social impacts of using fishing gear, and comparing the results of environmentally friendly fishing gear that has been modified. with existing fishing gear.
Dr. Hawis Madduppa as Executive Director of APRI explained that the 4.5-inch gill net program is also part of sustainable fisheries management as stated in the FIP. He also added that later from this program we can obtain important data such as catches, comparisons of fishing gear used, and bycatch data that will be able to fill gaps in sustainable and traceable fisheries management. Ir. Bambang Arif Nugraha also added that this activity is in the construction and distribution stage of 4.5-inch gill nets in two locations as pilot projects, namely Rembang and Pamekasan.
On 23 April 2022, the distribution of 4.5-inch gill nets was carried out by APRI in Candi Pamekasan village. Candi village itself is a coastal area where the fishermen there are crab fishermen with the majority using gill nets. Azhar Slamet an APRI Staff who handled this program said that this program ran for 6 months and carried out monitoring and data analysis. This Candi-Pamekasan fisherman also welcomed this program by signing a contract related to this program together with the Co-Management and APRI Enumerators in Pamekasan.
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